nedeľa 28. septembra 2014


S jablkom v ruke pozorujeme pavučinu aj s obrovským pavúkom, pavučiny v protisvetle, pavučiny lietajúce vzduchom, pavučiny na hojdačkách...babie leto.

We are watching a spider's web and a huge spider with an apple in our hands, spider's webs in the contra light, spider's webs flying in the air, spider's webs on the swings...Indian summer.

sobota 20. septembra 2014


Jedného dňa prišiel z Nemecka balík. V balíku veľa vecí. Napríklad cd s dobrou muzikou, ktoré mi môj muž hneď ukradol! No a potom aj bublifuk. Malá vecička, z ktorej sa vyfukuje radosť. Ďakujeme, Victoria, za balík plný potešení! ;)

One day I received a parcel form Germany. Parcel with lots of things in. For example a cd with some good music - my husband stole it from me that day! There also was a bubble maker in it. Simple little thing that should be called joy maker. Thank you, Victoria, for your parcel of delights! ;)

nedeľa 14. septembra 2014


Popoludní prestalo pršať, na chvíľu vyšlo slnko, obliekla som dieťa a šli sme na prechádzku. Na konci ulice, asi 200 metrov od nášho domu, je park a ihrisko. Na zemi je tam teraz plno gaštanov, gaštanových šupiek naplnených dažďovou vodou - malé pichľavé mištičky a pár zožltnutých listov. Chvíľu som hojdala N. na hojdačke, odrazu sa zdvihol vietor, vietor, ktorý jasne hovorí, čo príde. Ponáhľala som sa s dieťaťom na rukách, na hlavy nám prudko padali obrovské kvapky a kým sme došli domov, všetko na nás bolo mokré. N. z brady kvapkala voda a oči jej svietili. Aprílové počasie v septembri.

It stopped raining in the afternoon, the sun was back again for a while, so I dressed up the baby and we went for a walk. There is a small park and a playground at the end of the street, not very far, maybe 200 meters from our house. There are plenty of chestnuts on the ground right now, plenty of chestnuts shells filled with rain water - little barbed bowls and also couple of yellow leaves. N. dangled for a while on the swing when suddenly a wind had risen. The wind that whistles very clearly what's gonna happen. I rushed with the baby in my arms, huge raindrops were wildly falling on our heads and when we finally got home, we were completely wet. Water was dripping from N.'s chin and her eyes were shining. April weather in September.

nedeľa 7. septembra 2014


Ráno otváram balkónové dvere, aby sa do izby dostal čerstvý vzduch. Zrazu k dverám beží dieťa, zastane v nich a hlasno kričí: "ahoj, deň!"
A potom ležím na zemi, žmúrim do slnka, dieťa mi ružovou pastelkou kreslí na koleno mačku a ja myslím na tento rozhovor: 
"aký je dnes deň?"
"je dnes."
"ó, môj obľúbený deň!" 

Moje obľúbené klišé.

I'm opening the balcony door in the morning to get some fresh air into the room. Suddenly the baby is running to the door, she stops there and shouts loudly: "hello, day!" 
Then I'm lying on the floor, screwing up my eyes in to the sun, baby is drawing a cat on my knee with a pink crayon and I'm thinking about this interview:
"what is the day?"
"it's today."
"oh, my favourite day!"

My favourite cliché.