Nina bola na karnevale. Stop. Hrala hudba. Stop. Bolo tam veľa mafinov a iných koláčikov. Stop. A nakrájané jablká. Stop. Boli tam deti. Stop. V maskách. Stop. Najinteresantnejšia činnosť - hrať s tatom florbal. Stop.
Toľko môj krátky report. Stále premýšľam, ako rozchodiť fakt, že moje dieťa úplne bojkotovalo masku, ktorú som mu do noci vyrábala. Život matky je niekedy ťažký... Stop.
Nina took part in her first carnival. Stop. The music was playing there. Stop. There were plenty of muffins and other homemade cookies there. Stop. And lots of sliced apples, too. There were lots of children. Stop. Dressed in the masks. Stop. The most interesting activity - playing floorball with daddy. Stop.
Well, that's my short report from this event. I'm still thinking how should I go through the fact, that my baby completely ignored the mask I was working on till the late night. Motherhood can be tough sometimes... Stop.
N. should be a cute fly mushroom in the carnival, but here she seems to be like a very devoted floorball player, ehmmm...
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