Dni, ktoré sa dajú aj celé tráviť vonku. Cestou z pošty sa zastavíme na trhovisku a kúpime planty paradajok, ktoré potom spolu sadíme a polievame. N. má z vody radosť, zamočí si šaty, potom mi to ukazuje, trhá púpavy a nosí ich ako darček psovi od susedov. Pes jej občas olizne ruku, N. sa smeje a uteká preč. Po návrate domov vysýpame z topánok kamienky, vo vreckách gaštany ešte z minulého roka a ruky špinavé od peľu. Dni, ktoré sú aj ťažké, ale stávajú sa zážitkami a dievčatko o nich potom zo sna občas rozpráva.
Whole days could be spend outdoor now. On our way back from the post office we're buying some tomato plants on the local market and planting them in the garden. Then we are watering them, N. is enjoying it, her cloths are wet and she wants to show me. She's picking some dandelions and bringing them to our neighbour's dog as a gift. The dog is licking off her hand sometimes, N. is laughing and running away. I'm bating out little pebbles from the shoes after coming home, there are some last year chestnuts in our pockets and our hands are dirty because of pollen. These days might be hard too, but they are turning into experience and adventure and the baby is talking about it sometimes while dreaming.
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