Zážitkom tohto týždňa bolo ísť skoro ráno na trh, kúpiť tam maliny, hrášok, mladú cibuľku a uhorky a cestou domov sa zastaviť pod obrovskou morušou, trhať biele plody, ktoré už boli také zrelé. že keď zafúkal vietor, padali nám na hlavy a dieťaťu to pripadalo nesmierne veselé.
The experience of this week: the early morning walk to the local market, where we bought some raspberries, green peas, young onion and cucumbers. On our way back home we stopped under the huge mulberry tree, I picked some white fruits that were already so mellow, they were falling down on our heads when the wind blowed. And it appeared to be extremely funny to my baby.
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