nedeľa 29. júna 2014


Zbierali sme jahody. Lesné. Sladké. Dieťa bolo prešťastné ;)  

We were picking up some strawberries. The wild ones. The sweetest ones. Berry happy child! ;)

nedeľa 22. júna 2014


Koniec srandy, nasťahovala sa mi do šatníka!  

Game over, she moved into my closet!

nedeľa 15. júna 2014


Zážitkom tohto týždňa bolo ísť skoro ráno na trh, kúpiť tam maliny, hrášok, mladú cibuľku a uhorky a cestou domov sa zastaviť pod obrovskou morušou, trhať biele plody, ktoré už boli také zrelé. že keď zafúkal vietor, padali nám na hlavy a dieťaťu to pripadalo nesmierne veselé.  

The experience of this week: the early morning walk to the local market, where we bought some raspberries, green peas, young onion and cucumbers. On our way back home we stopped under the huge mulberry tree, I picked some white fruits that were already so mellow, they were falling down on our heads when the wind blowed. And it appeared to be extremely funny to my baby.

pondelok 9. júna 2014


Malé dobrodružstvá pri spoznávaní flóry. Aj keď zaujímavejšia pre dieťa bolo, samozrejme, všeličo iné. Najmä jazierka s oranžovými rybičkami, kam bolo treba namočiť ruky. Minimálne. Ku jazierku zrazu prichádza pani so sieťkou v ruke a vraví: "Je tam zdechlá ryba, musím ji vylovit." Ups! Ešteže to nezačul môj muž. Tak mu to nedávajte čítať! :)))

Little adventures to make Nina familiar with flora. Everything else was more interesting, of course. Especially all the sinks with those orange fishes, where it was necessary to dip the hands. At least. Suddenly some woman with a keepnet is coming and says: "there is a dead fish inside, I have to fish it out." Oops! Fortunately my husband didn't hear that. So don't let him even to read this :))) 

nedeľa 8. júna 2014


Bosé nohy, čmeliaky, jahody, výlety, sovy, jazierka s rybami, platne, bicykel, skleníky, jašteričky, záhrady, čerešne v koláči a ríbezle na tričku, čakanie na výsledky testov u doktorky, kačičky vo vani, polievanie paradajok a paradajky na tričku, tie isté pesničky stále dookola, topánky, ktoré sme nekúpili, balík z Čiech a list z Nemecka, slamený klobúk, biely klobúk, kominár z leporela, vtipná svadba v paláci a nekonečné hry na skrývačku. Toto a veľa iných vecí, ktoré môžu spraviť zo všednosti malé oslavy. 

Barefoot, bumble bees, strawberries, journeys, owls, lakelets with some fish, vinyls, bicycle, greenhouses, little lizards, gardens, cherries in the cake and red currant on the t-shirt, waiting for the test results at the doctor, little ducklings in the bath tube, watering the tomatoes and some tomatoes on the t-shirt again, the same songs round and round, the shoes we didn't buy, a parcel from the Czech republic and a letter from Germany, a leghorn and a white hat, a chimney sweeper from the folding picture book, funny wedding in the palace and our neverending hide-and-seek games. This and lots of other things that may turn the everyday life into the little celebrations.

nedeľa 1. júna 2014


Všetko kvitne, všetko rastie. A dievčatko pozoruje, ovoniava, trhá, objavuje.

Everything is blooming, everything is growing. And the little one is observing, smelling, picking, discovering.